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中文名詞 英文名詞
二代健保 2nd Generation NHI
給付範圍 Benefit package
論病例計酬 Case payment
重大傷病 Catastrophic illness; major illness
愛心轉介 Charity donation referrals
部分負擔 Copayment
免除部分負擔 Copayment exemptions
日間照護 Day care for the mentally ill
身心障礙 Disabled persons
弱勢族群 Disadvantages groups
藥價調查 Drug price survey
藥品核價制度 Drug pricing system
論服務量計酬 Fee-for-service
第一類 ….. 第六類 First category…sixth category
高診次病患 Frequent users of outpatient services
總額支付制度 Global budget payment system
投保單位 Group insurance applicant
居家照護 Home nursing care
居家照護機構 Home nursing care institutions
原住民 Indigenous people
住院照護 Inpatient care
分期攤繳 Installment plans
被保險人(保險對象) Insured
投保類別 Insured classification
保險人 Insurer
偏遠地區醫療服務 Integrated Delivery System (IDS)
低收入戶 Low-income households
醫療審查 Medical claims review
醫事檢驗所 Medical laboratories
醫事放射線機構 Medical radiology institutions
山地離島地區醫療 Medical services in mountainous areas and offshore islands
偏遠地區醫療 Medical services in remote areas
助產所 Midwife clinics
巡迴醫療 Mobile health care
全民健保 National Health Insurance
健保卡 NHI card
職能治療 Occupational therapy
門診照護 Outpatient care
成藥 Over-the-counter drugs
論質計酬 Pay for performance
支付制度 Payment systems
投保金額(分級表) Payroll Bracket Table
藥局 Pharmacies
物理治療所 Physical therapy clinics
保險費 Premium
費基 Premium calculation base
保險費分攤比率 Premium contribution share
保費補助 Premium subsidies
處方藥 Prescription drugs
檔案分析 Profile analysis
精神科社區復建機關 Psychiatric community rehabilitation centers
醫療品質 Quality of care
罕見疾病 Rare disease
慢性病連續處方箋 Refillable prescriptions for patients with chronic illnesses
紓困貸款 Relief fund loans
給付範圍 Scope of benefits
補充性保險費 Supplementary premium
中低收入戶 The near-poor households
中醫 Traditional Chinese medicine
健保資訊網服務系統 Virtual Private Network (VPN)