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In response to the reduction or suspension of out-patient and medication dispensing services in hospitals and clinics during the upcoming 7-day Lunar New Year holidays, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA), as in previous years, has loosened relevant regulations to ensure patients with chronic illnesses don't run out of medicine. Therefore, if the last day (the date that the medicine shall be finished) of the previous refill falls between February 8 to February 14, 2024, the patients may attend a follow-up appointment for new prescriptions or simply get the medicines for the next month starting from 10 days before the Lunar New Year (that is, starting from January 29, 2024).

Director General Chung-Liang Shih of the NHIA pointed out that according to the Regulations Governing the National Health Insurance Medical Care, refillable prescriptions for patients with chronic illnesses refer to prescription for long-term treatments that doctors prescribe for patients with stable chronic illnesses. Currently, the validity of a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses depends on the actual prescription and is limited to 90 days of supply; the prescription must be dispensed in different dispensation of no more than 30 days of dosage. Patients with a refillable prescription for chronic illnesses are only allowed to get the medicines within 10 days before the previous refill finishes.

The NHIA would like to remind all patients with a refillable prescription for chronic illnesses to get the medicines in advance to prevent interruptions of treatment and enjoy the holidays.