Some people are entitled to government subsidies to pay their insurance premiums. Different segments of the population are eligible for different subsidy amounts, as explained below.
1.Those eligible to have their premiums fully subsidized: |
(1)Low-income households. (2)Children and adolescents under the age of 18 from low and middle-income households. (3)Citizens over 70 in low- to middle-income households. (4)Indigenous citizens under 20 or 55 or older who are unemployed and are registered in the National Health Insurance program through their village, township, city, or area administrative offices. (5)Indigenous citizens whose households are registered on Orchid Island and are registered in the National Health Insurance program as "local residents," (meaning they are unemployed), as "members of an occupational union or farmers' or fishermen's association," or as a "dependent". (6)Individuals with severe or extreme physical or mental disabilities. (7)The unemployed and those claimed as dependents when the unemployed individual lost his or her job (limited to those registered for National Health Insurance under Category 6 "Non-income Earning Individuals" or as dependents of those insured under categories 1, 2 and 3) will have their premiums subsidized during the time the jobless individual collects unemployment benefits or professional training stipends. (8)Indigenous persons in Taipei City who have had their NHI enrollment suspended due to involuntary unemployment, unexpected financial difficulties or other similar situations and are not receiving any similar subsidies from other agencies, may receive subsidies from the city government of up to three months of contributions to their premiums in a given year. To be eligible, the individual must be aged between 20 and 55 and have had a household registration and actually lived in Taipei for at least six months, and also have his or her registration information from a district office approved by the Indigenous Peoples Commission of the Taipei City government. (9)Seniors 65 and older whose household registration has been on an outlying island for more than a year. (10)New immigrant spouses of low-income households prior to getting household registrations (application should be made through the NHIA to the “New Immigrants Development Fund” under the Ministry of the Interior’s National Immigration Agency) |