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General Premium

National Health Insurance premiums for individuals in category 1, 2, and 3 are calculated based on the monthly income they report to the National Health Insurance Administration. The premiums of individuals in categories 4, 5, and 6 are based on the average premium of the people enrolled in category 1, 2, and 3.

The formulas used to calculate premiums are as follows:

Category 1 The insured Salary Basis x insurance premium rate x contribution ratio x(1 + number of dependents)
Insurance unit, government Salary Basis x insurance premium rate x contribution ratio x(1 + average number of dependents)
Category 2 and 3 The insured Salary Basis x insurance premium rate x contribution ratio x(1 + number of dependents)
Government Salary Basis x insurance premium rate x contribution ratio x(1 + actual number of people insured)
Category 6 : Veterans, veterans' dependent The insured Average premium x contribution ratio x number of dependents
Government Average premium x contribution ratio x actual number of people insured
Category 6 : Regional population The insured Average premium x contribution ratio x(1 + number of dependents)
Government Average premium x contribution ratio x actual number of people insured


  • Salary Basis: The amogunt on which premiums are calculated based on a payroll bracket table.

  • Insurance Premium Rate: 5.17% since January 1, 2021.

  • Contribution Ratio: Based on ratios set by National Health Insurance Act.

  • Number of Dependents: Maximum of three, even if actual number of dependents is higher.

  • Average Number of Dependents: Beginning January 1, 2024, the number of persons is announced as 0.56.

  • Beginning in January 2024, the average monthly premium for individuals in categories 4 and 5 will be NT$2,160. It is entirely subsidized by the government.

  • Since January 2021, the average premium for individuals in Category 6 has been NT$1,377, with 60% paid for by the individual (NT$826) and 40% by the government.

Premium Contribution Ratios under NHI System

Classification of the Insured Contribution Ratio (%)
Insured Registration Organization Government
Category 1 Civil servants, volunteer servicemen, public office holders >Insured and dependents 30 70 0
Private school teachers Insured and dependents 30 35 35
Employees of public or private owned enterprises and organizations Insured and dependents 30 60 10
Employers Self-employed Independent professionals and technical specialists Insured and dependents 100 0 0
Category 2 Occupation union members 
Foreign crew members
Insured and dependents 60 0 40
Category 3 Members of farmers', fishermen's and irrigation associations Insured and dependents 30 0 70
Category 4 Military conscripts, alternative military service, military school students on scholarships, widows of deceased military personnel on pensions, inmates Insured 0 0 100
Category 5 Low-income households Household members 0 0 100
Category 6 Veterans and their dependents Insured 0 0 100
Veterans and their dependents Dependents 30 0 70
Other individuals Insured and dependents 60 0 40