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World Health Report 2008
      The World Health Report 2008: Primary Health Care: Now More Than Ever reiterates the core role of primary health care within the health system. The Report is a response to the Alma Ata Declaration (1978) at their thirty-year anniversary. It stresses the fact that primary health care is essential for attaining health for all.
      The Report describes how revolutionary changes in a globalized, urbanized and ageing world are gradually creating health inequalities and new challenges. The Report, in facing such challenges, raises several interconnected directions for reform: Achieving Universal Health Coverage to improve health equity, a people-centred health care system; better public health measures can create a healthier society, rehabilitation for more effective governance models, and incorporation of engagement of key stakeholders.
      Detailed information may be found at the following link: 
World Health Report 2010
      The World Health Report 2010 took as its topic "Health Systems Financing: The path to universal coverage,” emphasizing the importance of investment in health system development. The Report points out that health, like other economic and social problems, ought to receive a high level of attention; but without a fully functional health financing system, it is not likely to reach the goal of Health for All.
      The WHO member states, in 2005, committed to further develop the health system for the expansion of service access to all people, and prevent people from becoming economically distressed merely from seeking medical attention. This goal has been defined as “universal coverage.”
      The Report stresses the importance of enhancing financial ability in achieving universal health coverage; and describes how countries can reform their health financing systems to reach universal health coverage sooner. It also compiles existing literature and lessons from experience, as well as suggestions for action, to offer countries at any stage of development action plans that can be made into actionable policies fitted to their own particular situation.
      Detailed information may be found at the following link: [Link]