- Table 26 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category, BNHI Branch and Locale
- Table 27 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category and Scale
- Table 28 Beneficiaries by Beneficiary Category, BNHI Branch and Locale
- Table 29 Beneficiaries by Gender and Age
- Table 30 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Payroll-Related Premium Base
- Table 31 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Premium Contribution from the Insureds
- Table 32 The Insured by Number of Dependents and Beneficiary Category
- Table 33 Premium Receivable by Beneficiary Category and Source
- Table 34 Premium Exemption by Category of Beneficiary
- Table 35 Premium Exemption Person-time by Category of Beneficiary